Your Dog Nose Fun! Continuing Nose Work: Exteriors & Vehicles

Dawn E. Archer

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Your Dog Nose Fun! Continuing Nose Work: Exteriors & Vehicles
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Your Dog Nose Fun! Continuing Nose Work: Exteriors & Vehicles

Unleash Your Pup's Inner Detective

Calling all canine search superstars! Ready to graduate from basic nose work? This course is the perfect next step for teams who've aced the intro or odor levels.

We'll take your dog's sniffing skills to exciting new places – the great outdoors and even vehicles! We'll use your dog's favorite rewards to keep them motivated as they explore these new search areas. For teams already familiar with a target odor (like birch oil), we'll crank up the challenge with searches in adjacent outdoor spaces.

So get ready for some tail-wagging fun! This class is all about:

  • Engaging outdoor searches: Dress for the weather and unleash your dog's inner explorer!
  • Vehicle searches: Put those noses to the test in a new element.
  • Enhanced skills: Build on your dog's natural sniffing abilities and refine their search techniques.
  • Stronger bond: Deepen your connection with your furry friend through this rewarding activity.

Don't forget the treats! We'll provide all the training and guidance, you just bring your enthusiasm and your dog's favorite smelly motivators.

Sign up today and watch your dog blossom into a nose work champion!

Thursdays, 3:15pm-4:15pm. Six weeks: 8/15-9/19

Please provide proof of vaccinations on or before the first night of class. Can now be uploaded at sign up, but not required. (PLEASE NO LIVE PHOTOS, THE FILE WILL NOT DOWNLOAD CORRECTLY)

Due to high demand, AnnaBelle's does not offer refunds on classes after the class has started.

Price: $189.00
DatesNumber Available
Thursdays, 3:15pm-4:15pm. 8/15-9/194

Dog's Name *

Dog's Age *

Dog's Breed(s) *

I understand AnnaBelle's Refund Policy(Type Name): *

Vaccination Records

Please be patient as your file is sent to us when you submit this page.

* required fields
