Carol Hein-Creger

Canine Training Center

For information about any of our classes or services contact:

Carol Hein-Creger, Training Director / Owner


Click To Watch Video
ABC: Agility Builds Confidence II, Summer 2010, prepared by student Joyce Heideman, DVM. Thank you Dr. Joyce!

Carol Hein-Creger

AnnaBelle's is privileged to have Carol as its lead trainer. Carol is the owner, founder and Director of the Canine Training Center. She has been teaching and training professionally since 1979, having taught thousands of dog owners and pet care professionals how to effectively train and modify dog behavior. She is a published author and has lectured to many organizations, including MSU Veterinary College.

Carol is a recognized master at her craft and she has trained many of the local dog-trainers in the greater Lansing area. In addition to group classes, Carol offers private training and lessons, problem behavior counseling and boarding.

Carol also has a training advice and feedback column, Carol's Corner:

Send Carol your training questions to with "Carol's Corner" in the the subject line.



Listen to Carol talk about dog behavior and training on In Her Shoes Radio, Lansing Women's Talk Radio Show on WJIM AM 1240. Click on Episode 44 from September 26th.


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See more agility fun in Carol's ABC: Agility Builds Confidence II class. This video is from the Fall 2010 term and was prepared by student Joyce Heideman, DVM. Thanks again Dr. Joyce!


- Classes -

For a listing of all the classes offered by the Canine Training Center, click here to expand

  • Follow My Lead Puppy. For puppies up to 20 weeks of age, this class begins the important process of training and socialization. Topics include household manners, preventing or resolving behavior problems and the basic obedience exercises of come, sit, down, stay and loose leash walking.
  • Follow My Lead Beginner. For dogs 5 months of age or older that have never had structured training, this class covers the same topics as the Puppy class with an emphasis on gaining your dog's respect and increasing your control using positive methods and philosophy.
  • Intermediate Obedience: Off Leash Control. For dogs that have successfully completed a beginning level class, this class focuses on off-leash and distance control with increased levels of distraction. Covers hand signals, heel position exercises and out-of-sight stays and recalls. Prerequisite: completion of a basic obedience class.
  • Novice Obedience. Introduces and proofs the Novice exercises needed to prepare both dog and handler for Novice level obedience trials.
  • Open Obedience. Introduces the drop-on-recall, flat retrieve, retrieve over high jump and the broad jump needed to compete at the Open level of obedience competition.
  • Utility. Introduces the Utility exercises including signal exercises, scent work, directed jumping and directed retrieve.
  • Canine Good Citizen (CGC). Teaches your dog to remain calm and mannerly in the presence of people and other dogs as the 10 CGC tests are introduced and practiced. The Canine Good Citizen Test is given the last night of class. Prerequisite: completion of a basic obedience class.
  • Calm and Confident. Designed for dogs that are shy or fearful around strangers, other dogs, or new environments. Confidence building exercises are taught and socialization skills are introduced that effectively reduce your dog's reaction to stress.
  • Rally. Introduces the Novice Rally exercises while preparing dog and handler for Rally competitions.
  • Combo Class. A fun and progressive class where the students will experience a bit of everything, from standard obedience exercises and Agility to Rally and tricks! Master new skills while discovering what your dog really loves to do!
  • Tricks, Treats, and Feats! Want your dog to kiss, speak, rollover, shake hands, spin around and play dead on command? Teaching tricks using treats and praise helps your dog learn how to learn. Join us for this fun and informative class!
  • ABC: Agility Builds Confidence I and II. Unleash your dog's potential! Instead of being roadblocks, obstacles are the bridge between dog and handler. In this fun and practical class, students will utilize agility obstacles in a non-competitive environment.
  • Refined Canine. Does your dog need some social and  behavioral refinement? Does he jump on people or inappropriately greet other dogs? Pull on the leash or just not pay attention to you when distracted? Learn how to make your dog a polite and refined member of human and canine society!
  • R.E.S.P.E.C.T.  Find out what it means to your dog! Does your dog understand some basic commands but fail to respond to them on a regular basis? Do distractions rank higher than you do when calling your dog? This class will teach you how to gain your dog's respect and responsiveness without the outdated forceful methods of years ago. Gain control by becoming the owner your dog WANTS to listen to while strengthening the bond you share with your dog. This class is highly recommended for all dog owners.
  • Advanced Skills. This class takes training to a higher level utilizing hand signals, obstacles, retrieving and off-leash training.  This class is suitable for students who have completed an intermediate obedience, canine good citizen, beginning Rally, or other similar intermediate level class.
  • Therapy Dog Preparation. The objective of the Therapy Dog International dog and handler team is to provide comfort and companionship to patients in hospitals, nursing homes and other institutions. All dogs must be a minimum of one year of age at the time of testing and have a sound temperament. This class prepares the dog and handler for the TDI test.
  • From Bashful to Brave! Does your dog miss out on outings and opportunities because he's too afraid to participate? Do you wish to improve your dog's comfort level around things that currently worry him? This confidence boosting class will take your dog from bashful to brave using tried and true counter-conditioning and desensitization techniques. Fun for both dog and owner. Help your dog conquer his fears today!

*Not all classes are offered each term*


  • Carol Hein Creger understands dogs better than any other dog trainer I have worked with and was very successful at working with fear/aggression issues in my dog. I went through several trainers and training techniques that did not work out before contacting Carol. Carol correctly assessed his faults and found a successful training program for him where other trainers had failed. Most people would have given up on this dog but as far as I'm concerned Carol saved his life and allowed him to be my companion and keep his forever home. Thank you Carol!
    - Bonnie T., Chicago, Illinois
  • I just finished ABC II and was sad to see it end. I've taken 3 or 4 classes from Carol and LOVED each one. She's a fabulous trainer with lots of knowledge but more importantly to me, trains with obvious care for both dogs and their people, does it with a sense of humor and left me feeling so positive about the training that I intend to continue with many more classes. I've taken lots of classes in other venues, but this is the best!!
    - Paula C.
  • "I was so excited to find a Canine Good Citizen class in our area. Carol was a great trainer and really helped me with the issues I was having with my dog. She is also so welcoming and invites people to come back anytime they need help without needing to officially join a class, and is always offering assistance. My dog passed his CGC test at the end of the class thanks to Carol!"
    My favorite thing about AnnaBelle's training is the "Friendly staff!!!! Great atmosphere and so helpful. Even in the CGC class, Carol was encouraging of everyone and so helpful with any issue a dog may have had."

    - Gabi M.

  • Carol Hein-Creger is wonderful!!! Carol obviously read my info sheet prior to class and remembered I had checked that Teddy was both people and dog fear reactive, she specifically asked me about that during class-people-dog introduction time. Carol knew we do agility and had other training. She keyed-in on my problems with Teddy zooming and my desire to curb that and keep him with me on course. OH, so many other pluses to her class. There was even a very dog aggressive big dog on a prong collar there, I didn't feel panic fear, I felt that Carol was in complete control. Carol had an unexpected HUGE BONUS, she had two men assistants last night. That's exactly what Teddy needs, Carol keyed in on that too and made time to work specifically with Teddy, me, and Mike to get Teddy to approach, sit near, "get" food off the floor at Mike's feet, walk around Mike, and finally even touch my hand and Mike's hand. I'm speechless. It was so good. Toward the end of the class Teddy was even lying down on his Mutt Mat at my feet. I'm so thankful, I'm teary-eyed. Teddy and I (mostly me) have lots to work on, I wrote notes when I got home, but somehow I feel more confident that we will succeed now. Carol's whole persona is positive, soothing and calming, which I need to calm and reassure me as an over protective Mommy of a tiny dog.

  • Hi Carol!
    We have enjoyed your teaching style, patience, and approach to training. Sophie has been in FOUR other training classes (none of which we completed because we were unsatisfied with them) and she has never been successful. This is huge for her! So if you are teaching an upcoming class she might excel in I would greatly appreciate hearing about it.
  • I have taken classes from Carol before and they have always been excellent. My dogs have been rescues and needed extra socialization which the classes provided. I ended up with social, happy and secure dogs. It allowed me to take them out in public and to the dog park. Thank you.
    - Theresa Pietrzak
  • My dog is getting more and more outgoing. Carol has been very helpful about showing me the tricks to get my dog with short legs to have to do what I want to get the treats. Lily has also never played with any toys and she sniffed the ones Carol put out one night so I tried a couple of them and she is having a ball playing with them.
    - Margie Roggelin
  • The course did a good job of setting us up to be able to deal with any problem behavior.
    - S. Adler
  • I've raved to the vets about how impressed I was with the puppy class and the results we got from the training.
    - Martha B.
  • I loved the classes I took at AnnaBelle's through Canine Training Center. Carol is an excellent instructor and has great suggestions if you get stuck. I can't wait to take another class.
    - Tanya W.
  • The most helpful thing I learned was "that consistency is the key to a well trained dog and that even small things we do affect the dog's behavior.
    - Barb M.
  • Excellent choice of classes with a highly professional, credentialed staff. Readily available with assistance when needed. I would not consider using any other facility.
    - Sue B.
  • The most helpful thing I learned was "to remain patient and calm when training and that the dog did not understand what you wanted them to do at first. We did an exercise where someone came in and we had to get them do to something and it was very enlightening. That has assisted us in all of our training efforts!
    - Amy G.
  • Our favorite place to play and learn! I started with AnnaBelle's for the doggy day care and have now completed 2 classes with Carol (Refined Canine and Agility Builds Confidence). I couldn't be happier with the results from her classes. We love the doggy daycare too - nothing beats a worn out and happy dog! ... I would highly recommend AnnaBelle's to anyone!
    -Julia on Google
  • Annabelle's is GREAT!!!!!!! My Golden Retriever and I attended this class not knowing what to expect. I had never been to a training class. We were welcomed at the door by friendly staff who made sure my dog and I were both comfortable. I took carol's follow my lead class which i found enjoyable and informative. My dog will be attending many more classes here in the future. I highly recommend coming here for all your doggy needs!
    -Tiffany on Google
  • I have taken multiple classes through the Canine Training Center and at the end of each and every session my dane has shown Marked improvements. Erinn and Carol work with you, help you identify problems, and then find ways for you to fix them with your dog in an easy to understand and practical approach. After adopting my dane (who was reactive with little training) less than 3 months prior and attending a 6 week canine good citizens class he passed his CGC test and went on to pass his therapy dog international test. His rescue can't believe what a different dog he has become! Better yet, he adores the trainers -- which speaks highly of their ability to not only get results, but do so in a positive manner.
    -Jamie on Yelp
  • AnnaBelle's is a truly wonderful place for pets and their people. Carol  the best trainers in Lansing and the staff of Annabelle's are professional but treat everybody like family.
    -Dr. Joyce on Google
  • My Vizsla and I have taken 2 classes from Carol Hein-Creger at AnnaBelle's and have enjoyed them both! I enjoyed the people who worked there so much that I started putting her in day care a few times a month. I love the web cam on the website as it gives me a chance to peek in on her while she's there. My puppy absolutely loves her time there. She comes home happy and tired. Few things are better than a pooped out Vizsla!! I highly recommend AnnaBelle's!
    -AnaBean23 on Google
  • We started out the year very nervous about how our reactive dog would act with a new baby in the house, not to mention an upcoming move. Ellie was leash-reactive and had been aggressive towards people and other dogs when she felt threatened. We were afraid we would have to rehome her as her behavior was outside our ability to manage. Thank goodness we found the flyer for Refined Canines!!! :) Through the course of working with Erinn and Carol in that class, we saw Ellie transform from an unknown quantity into an incredibly well-behaved, pleasant companion. Following up with Agility has just completed the transformation. She is such a good dog now that our whole (not-dog-friendly) family is jealous of us and makes hints that they would like to steal her away :) She has been perfect with the baby and is very well-mannered in public. No more aggression towards people or dogs!!! We have absolutely no doubts at all that the classes we took with Erinn and Carol were exactly what we needed to understand and manage her behavior, as well as build her confidence so she can handle new situations with ease. We have seen her blossom into a great family (and agility!) dog over the past few months, and wanted an opportunity to thank Erinn and Carol for all their help.
    - Allison Eden, Jason Weller, and Ellie
  • We were at our wit's end with our five month-old Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier puppy until Carol came to the rescue. From morning to night our adorable puppy would chew and mouth as though he were a piranha. It got to the point where our friends would not come over to the house because the only way our puppy would interact with them was by chewing their clothes, shoes, fingers or hands. Worried that we might not be able to manage a puppy that appeared to chew on 'autopilot,' we consulted our vet who recommended Carol. Because our puppy was particularly chewy, we boarded our puppy with Carol while she worked with him. Every day Carol worked closely with our puppy to teach him self control and to interact with people calmly without chewing. She also taught him to sit, drop to his tummy and to heel. When he returned to our home, Carol took the time to tutor all of us so that we could continue to reinforce the lessons he had learned. She even took the time to write down a checklist so that we could remember everything we needed to do. We only wish we had found Carol sooner. We love our 'new and improved' puppy. Thank You Carol!!!!!!!!!!!
    -Private Training Client
  • I cannot say enough good things about Erinn and Carol. I adopted my Great Dane three months ago as a one yr old male with minimal training and some significant socialization issues. After some negative interactions with other dogs I was afraid to take him anywhere and was even nervous coming to dog classes.
    Erinn and Carol not only helped me work on Grover’s manners and socialization but also gave me the confidence to take him out in public. Not only did Grover pass his Canine Good Citizen’s test on his first try but he also plays well with other dogs and I love taking him everywhere with me! His foster parents think that we have accomplished what they would have previously deemed impossible for him.
    Even better, not only does Grover come to Annabelle’s for class to work on his manners and socialization skills but he also truly loves coming and absolutely adores Erinn – his ears perk up and tail starts wagging the minute he sees her. He always comes and leaves a happy dog. This speaks volumes of their ability to positively work with the dogs and get positive, if not amazing, results.

    -Jamie and Grover


Carol Hein-Creger

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