Intermediate Agility

Kim Mayhew

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Intermediate Agility

Phase 2 in Hidden Potential Agility is putting together boomerangs, spins, and 2on2off contact performance behavior will be taught using a practice plank.  Emphasis will be placed on improving both the dog's and handler's basic agility skills. This includes obstacle discrimination, front crosses, sending to obstacles from a distance, pinwheels and challenging weave pole entries. There will be opportunity to repeat short sequences multiple times and to work on specific problem areas.


Prerequisite:  Beginning Agility


Required equipment:  Flat buckle collar with a 6 ft leash, treat pouch, and lots of high value treats like hotdogs, chicken breast, cheese.  No e-collars, prong collars, no retractable or slip leads will be permitted in class. 


Term: 4 weeks, 1 hour-long class per week
Class size:  Limited to 6

Mondays, 7:15pm-8:15pm. Four Weeks: 2/17-3/10


All students must fill out a training survey.

Please provide proof of vaccinations on or before the first night of class. Can now be uploaded at sign up, but not required.

Due to high demand, AnnaBelle's does not offer refunds on classes after the class has started.

Price: $129.00
SessionNumber Available
Mondays, 7:15pm-8:15pm. Four Weeks: 2/17-3/103

Dog's Name: *

Dog's Breed *

Dog's Age *

I understand AnnaBelle's Refund Policy(Type Name): *

Vaccination Records: (Not Required at Sign Up:)

Please be patient as your file is sent to us when you submit this page.

* required fields


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